Sex and pornography addiction can involve a great deal of shame, and cause a lot of pain and hurt in relationships. Individuals typically progress in the addiction without being fully aware of how out of control their behaviors have become.
While developing a sobriety plan is important to minimizing further crisis and damage, it is mostly “behavior-based” and doesn’t address the underlying causes of addiction.
Addiction often results from other issues including depression, anxiety, low self-worth, lack of securely attached relationships, problems establishing and maintaining intimacy, or experiences with trauma, neglect, and abuse.
At Counseling & Recovery Partners, individual therapy provides a safe space to address these underlying problems and find healing and resolution. Treating the underlying trauma, depression or other issues that lead to addiction as a coping mechanism is the best strategy for long-term sobriety.
In addition to sobriety and understanding the core cause of your addiction, it is equally important for recovering individuals to develop healthy coping strategies for life stressors. To that end, individual therapy involves becoming intentional and responsible for living a balanced life with healthy coping behaviors.